Friday, January 9, 2009

Earn Extra Income with Aisle19!

Are you finding it harder and harder to make ends meet? Are you a Stay-at-Home Mom who would like to contribute to the family income? Are you a professional in search of a passive source of income? Do you need a “Plan B” during this difficult economic time? Are you a Work-at-Home Mom looking for an income-producing opportunity?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then Aisle19 is for you. Read on to learn more about this exciting business opportunity!

Here is the chance for you to start your very own business with absolutely no monetary investment. All that is required is your desire to succeed and a little bit of time each day. Whether it is one hour a day, or 8 hours, this business will build and grow over time into a passive stream of income for you and your family.

All you have to do is become an Aisle19 Independent Business Owner (IBO). You can do that, by signing up HERE. Next click on "Start Your Business." Fill out the information. It's FREE and there is no contract to sign whatsoever. You join and you are in business! Please feel free to contact me and I will help you get started right away!

The business is simply promoting Aisle19 to your friends, family and acquaintances. What you are promoting is a personal online shopping mall that offers every item or store you can possibly imagine with huge discounts, deals and savings on a daily basis PLUS CASH BACK each time you make a purchase! It is as simple as that. Show others how to enjoy huge savings and get cash rebates each time they shop. How good is that?!

As you enroll others as customers or IBOs into Aisle19, not only will they enjoy all of the benefits of Aisle19 for FREE including huge discounts and savings on any item they may need to purchase as well as cash back on their purchases, but YOU will receive cash back on their purchases as well. As your list of customers and IBOs grows, they will share the secret with others as well, and your business will eventually take on a “snow ball” or “ripple” effect. Friends telling friends how to enjoy huge savings AND get cash back each time they shop.

It’s that easy! If you are interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, please go HERE. Or feel free to contact me personally at

Aisle19 also offers excellent FUND-RAISING opportunities for your organization or charity. To learn more about this type of fund-raising, please contact me directly at

It’s a good thing!

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